Developing Innovative Strategies
Higher Economic & Social Performance
- Defining/Clarifying the mission of your company/organisation
- Setting up and supporting change management by giving meaning to :
. increase productivity and profitability
.adapt the organisation to the evolution of the market
.develop the wellbeing of employees and their motivation
.translate the company's potential into added value
.improve the efficiency of the organisation and internal governance
Meaningful Management supports companies and organisations to develop their performance, to clarify and communicate the meaning of their actions and to increase the commitment of the people.
With over 30 years experience in different roles and organizations, we believe in the synergy between performance, meaning & people. People are more and more motivated to work in organizations that define, claim and execute their mission. The mission gives the sense of the actions and motivate people to develop the performance.To increase the performance we use the Socio-Economic Management methodology developed by ISEOR ( Institute of Socio-Economy of companies and Organizations). Socio-Economic management focuses on the human potential development as a first driver to increase the economic performance. A better interaction between the structure and the individual behaviour can improve the economic performance of the company. We do this by implementing 3 axes : strategic decisions, continious development process and management tools.